IIILO project in Gdynia supported technically and organizationally by Pelixar S.A.
The next stage of the 30km flight project was successful.
Three official scientific flights were carried out and all three successfully. After flying at 750m and 11'500m, the next stage reached is "breaking" the 20'000m border
For comparison, all standard versions of manned fighters such as F-16, F-35 or MIG-29, MIG-35 reach a ceiling of up to 19'000m
Only aircraft dedicated to flights at high altitudes such as U-2, SR-71 and MIG-25 exceed the ceiling of 20'000m
This is due to min. from very difficult aerodynamic conditions at altitudes above 20km
Basic flight data:
- altitude reached 20'500m
- initial descent speed 360km / h
- horizontal distance from the base 33km
- total flight time 1h: 25m
- remaining voltage in LoPo 3.84V batteries per cell
- the number of drone sideflips is 5
- staying in the zone TS 02B with a large margin
- flight conditions were in line with the aviation forecast
- at an altitude of 20'000m, the temperature below -50 degrees
The balloon flight was made by Bartosz Moczała, the Polish Rocket Society and SpaceForest
Drone flight made - Mariusz Pułas - CTO Pelixar S.A.
For our part, many thanks for the support in the implementation of the project, we direct to:
- Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
- Civil Aviation Authority
- General Staff of the Polish Army
* talks on the continuation of the project have started.
Onboard 20.500m Czas też pokazać fragment materiału "Onboard" nagranego z pokładu drona! Materiał pokazuje moment rozłączenia drona, z balonem stratosferycznym, który nastąpił na wysokości 20'500m, oraz późniejszy lot w kierunku bazy! Pełny materiał oraz podsumowanie misji w niedalekiej przyszłości! Do zobaczenia! Opublikowany przez 3-SAT Poniedziałek, 24 czerwca 2019
Ikar leci w stratosferę zgodnie z planem lotu. Opublikowany przez Pelixar S.A. Sobota, 22 czerwca 2019