Marcin Swystun
Management experience:
Many years of managing the company, managing a large team of people, managing large Polish and foreign television productions.
Indirect experience:
Working for Red Bull, MTV, Endemol Shine, Commercial Union, TV Rotterdam.
Technical experience:
Film equipment designer, Sony Professional expert, technical consultant at Slidekamera, pro tester at EasyStab.
Experience in the UAV industry:
Construction of the first HD helicam drones in Poland, technical consultant of the R&D project aiRPAS Rescue (PLN 1.2 million co-financed from the National Centre for Research and Development), technical advisor of the R&D project 3-SAT IKAR, coordinator of the R&D project Pelixar LMA.
Aviation licenses and certifications:
UAVO VLOS/BVLOS certificate in the MR category and type TOM >25kg.
Speeches at Sony Professional, Smart Cities (Germany), CEDD, COP24 Climate Summit. Expert in Internet video marketing. TV producer. Vice-Champion of Poland in freestyle ramp riding.