R&D projects (research and development) - includes conducting own projects, as part of a consortium, in cooperation and commissioned commercial projects.
Research and development is the strongest growth engine in the technology industry. The history of the company and its founders includes an extensive catalog of completed R&D projects. We conduct R&D projects using our own resources, commercial projects commissioned by entities and co-financed from grant funds.
In our team there are also active scientists in the field of technical sciences, constantly publishing in reputable scientific journals. Thanks to our international contacts with scientific institutions and leading researchers, we can keep track of the most important advances in science and developments in the state of the art.
The offer includes conducting and subcontracting in ongoing research and development projects in the field of unmanned aviation, in particular:
- research and measurement,
- verification of shared results,
- development of results,
- scientific consultancy in the scope of project innovativeness,
- implementation of new functionalities into existing systems,
- design and development of components,
- design and development of systems,
For a details of the offer or quotation, please contact company@pelixar.com, who will redirect the matter to the appropriate technical person.