EUIPO - we have registered a trademark on the territory of the EU
- Training Entities Register – we have been registered in the CAA and we can provide flight training
- Polish Development Fund - we joined the Polish Product of the Future competition
- Pomeranian Export Broker - we have registered and have been positively verified
- CES - we go to the world's largest technology fair in Las Vegas, establish new technological cooperations and watch the competition in order to effectively exhibit next year.
- Low Threshold Airborne Photogrammetry (Fotogrametria Lotnicza Niskiego Pułapu) - we conducted the first specialist training for an organized client
- CEDD (Central European Drone Demonstrator) - we were invited to speak at a conference on the development of this accelerator
- Neofin - we have signed a contract for bookkeeping in a very experienced and modern entity, we have developed a fiscal strategy and document flow procedures.
- XLE - we have already fine-tuned the details and are negotiating the conditions for the implementation of a sales/warehouse/production programme integrated with accounting.
- LSI - we are in talks for cooperation with a leading manufacturer of laser scanners LIDAR, for supplying a carrier platform for precise aerial photogrammetry and inspection mapping, the drone concept is already under development (Aviation Inspection System). *
- Beesfund - we signed an agreement to issue shares on their platform. *
- Vadym Melnyk - our co-founder from Cervi Robotics and Servo Code was invited for a business breakfast with the President.
- AAM - we have developed a new, better sensor for Aerial Atmosphere Monitoring (Lotniczy Pomiar Atmosfery) together with a GPS receiver, which allows for the registration of the measurement position.*
- HAMVS – a 30km stratospheric flight of a balloon+drone hybrid system within the 3-SAT scientific project is planned for 05.2019 *.
- The clocks allowing to monitor the global progress of the space sector have been installed in our Unmanned Operations Control Centre.
- The Faculty of Environment of the Municipal Office in Gdynia is after technical consultations on the possibilities of effective monitoring and location of emissions from the combustion of forbidden materials. *
- SAR - after technical consultations with the management of the Maritime Search and Rescue Service regarding possible applications for unmanned aircraft solutions in SAR sea operations, we have been invited with our rescue drones to participate in SAR procedure tests and in several selected SAR operations.
Currently selected customers are : - University of Warmia and Mazury - State Forests - City of Elbląg - Szczecin Maritime Academy * the subject will be continued in a wider scope