Mariusz Pułas
Management experience:
Inspector position at Citibank, management of companies as co-founder. Managing a team of technical specialists, recruitment for specialist positions.
Indirect experience:
Citibank, Universal Robots, Airborn, aiRPAS Group.
Technical experience:
CNC machine builder. Designer of gimbals for gyroscopic stabilization of cameras. Tuner of flight computers controlling drones, Designer of measurement sensors. Modifications and programming of electronic components.
Experience in the UAV industry:
Construction of film and training thrones. Pro DJI product tester. Service of training drones of the Air Force Institute of Technology. Technical support and implementation of AFIT projects. Designer and constructor of drones in aiRPAS and other units. Research and Development (R&D) project employee at aiRPAS Rescue (rescue drone project for Voluntary Water Ambulance – WOPR – 1.2 million PLN co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development). Technical advisor for R&D projects such as DNV-GL drone inspection system, APS Radar airborne radar drone detection system, Hydrodron floating drone for creating numerical maps, 3-SAT IKAR stratospheric measurement drone, Pelixar LMA anti-smog drone system, Drogeon AI Geo autonomous navigation drone based on artificial intelligence. Expert in creating aviation law.
Aviation licenses and certifications:
UAVO VLOS/BVLOS certificate, INS – instructor, EGZ – state examiner in the MR and A categories, type TOM >25kg.
Speeches at international conferences. Training of examiners in examination and documentation procedures for the Civil Aviation Authority. Providing flight training for professional licences. Test flights with all types of drones.