Vadym Melnyk
CEO & Founder in: Cervi Robotics specializing in the prototyping and production of robots, drones and unmanned systems. ServoCode is the largest software house in Eastern Europe, creating an application for robots and unmanned systems.
Many years of experience in building specialist drones.
Manager or participant in R&D projects such as:
Dronhub – system of autonomous garages for drones created with the European Space Agency, with charging and replacement of batteries in any industrial drones.
Airvein – a system for automatic transport of medical samples by drones.
Xerall – tankcopter, the world’s first flying, driving and swimming drone in the form of a toy with the prospect of development towards a vehicle/crew vessel.
Together with Microsoft, he created the Unicorn Division project, an initiative which connects the influencers from the startup environment of major Polish cities and supports the most innovative startups in the country.
Winner of prestigious IT competitions and state prizes, including FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange, an exchange program offered by the U.S. Department of State for students of junior high schools and upper secondary schools). Finalist of the international robot competition FLEX.