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Pelixar LSMA MReX8 C810 drone

We would like to inform you that on 31.10.2018 during a press conference of the Elbląg City Hall the Pelixar LSMA drone was presented, which we delivered on 26.10.2018 together with a demonstration and training (one week before the deadline). The supplied LSMA set is the implementation of Stage 1 of the aviation part of the implementation, which is a part of the comprehensive system.

Pelixar LSMA (Lotniczy System Monitoringu Atmosfery – Air Atmosphere Monitoring System) is an advanced airborne atmosphere monitoring system designed to perform point and spatial analysis of air composition in the range of PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter.

The entire Pelixar LSMA project consists of a total of three development stages, during which the ground part of the system will be developed in the form of local data analysis and

visualization applications, and the server part of the analysis and distribution of spatial data. For this purpose, at the request of the Mayor of Elbląg, a research team was appointed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment of the Gdańsk University of Technology (WILiS PG) to support the development of further parts of the system. Pelixar S.A. as a technological partner is responsible for implementation, adaptation and evaluation of algorithms developed by scientists of the Gdańsk University of Technology. LSMA project was created as a result of a marriage of high technologies (Pelixar S.A.), science (WILiS PG) and the needs of the society (Elbląg City Hall).


The aim of the project is to support local institutions in the fight against the “growing problem of smog” by providing them with measurement data in the form of a numerical pollution map with prediction of the phenomenon, which will enable a better understanding of the problem and a more accurate identification of the source of excessive local air pollution emissions and optionally of the main emitter. In perspective, this should have a measurable positive impact on the quality of life of all residents in the area covered by the LSMA system.

As part of the developed technology, two proprietary technical solutions have been developed.

LSMA technology was submitted for the 21st edition of the “Polish Product of the Future” competition organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

The possibilities of the developed solution are not limited only to “smog measurement”.

Publications on the “smog problem”, links:–YJOLfASSqDAE9hqtNmlIdSiF3oYE4


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Stratosferic flight: balon + dron = IKAR

Na sobotę 20.10.2018 wyznaczony został termin kolejnej operacji lotniczej z udziałem hybrydowego stratosferycznego systemu bezzałogowego HAMAVS* (High Altitude Micro Air Vehicle System), system ten łączy funkcjonalności stratosferycznego balonu meteorologicznego i samolotu bezzałogowego.
Taka kombinacja w przeciwieństwie do aktualnie funkcjonujących pomiarów z udziałem balonów stratosferycznych, umożliwia sprowadzenie ładunku funkcjonalnego (materiału badawczego) za pomocą samolotu bezzałogowego w wyznaczone miejsce. Obecnie zrzuty kończą się w terenie przygodnym co w konsekwencji powoduje żmudne poszukiwania zasobnika.
Wierzymy że ta innowacyjna metoda badawczo/pomiarowa może zrewolucjonizować pomiary meteorologiczne i biologiczne realizowane w górnych warstwach atmosfery.

Zaplanowany na sobotę lot drona IKAR jest kolejnym etapem naukowego projektu edukacyjnego 3-SAT tworzonego przez kadrę i licealistów z III L.O. w Gdyni.
Pelixar S.A. wspiera technicznie i organizacyjnie ten projekt B+R

* HAMAVS – sugerowana docelowa nazwa dla systemu.

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Stratosferic flight: balloon + drone = IKAR

The next stage of the balloon + drone project = IKAR stratospheric flight.

Saturday 20.10.2018 was set for the next flight operation with the participation of hybrid stratospheric airborne system HAMAVS* (High Altitude Micro Air Vehicle System), this system combines the functionality of a stratospheric meteorological balloon and an unmanned aircraft.

This combination, unlike current stratospheric balloon measurements, allows to bring the functional charge (research material) by means of an unmanned aircraft to a designated place. Currently, the airdrops end up in an adventure area, which results in a tedious search for the container.

We believe that this innovative research and measurement method can revolutionize meteorological and biological measurements in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The IKAR drone flight planned for Saturday is the next stage of the 3-SAT educational project created by the staff and high school students from the 3rd High School in Gdynia.

Pelixar S.A. technically and organizationally supports this R&D project.

* HAMAVS – suggested target name for the system.