
BVLOS Regulation

These are the rules that services, industry and commercial operators have been waiting for. It is a law that “releases” and makes it easier to fly with drones beyond the operator’s sight. As a result, Poland maintains its leading position in the global unmanned aeronautical sector. Poland is currently in the world: – the third […]

Technical cooperation with Advanced Protection Systems S.A.

We can already inform that the first entity from the established large technical cooperation projects is APS – Advanced Protection Systems S.A. It is the world leader in detection and neutralisation technology for unmanned aircraft systems.

COP24 conference as part of CEDD on the last day of the Climate Summit in Katowice

Today the COP24 conference takes place as part of CEDD* on the last day of the Climate Summit in Katowice. The topic is the possibility of using unmanned systems to fight for the improvement of air quality in urban agglomerations. We presented our position on the development of air measurement methodologies, which are being developed […]

Report of selected events from November 2018

EUIPO – we have registered a trademark on the territory of the EU – Training Entities Register – we have been registered in the CAA and we can provide flight training – Polish Development Fund – we joined the Polish Product of the Future competition – Pomeranian Export Broker – we have registered and have […]

We have signed a contract with Beesfund

Today we signed a contract with Beesfund. Raising capital is another of the planned stages in the development of the company after the initial organic start. Beesfund is a leader in crowd funding. * The company’s shares will be issued soon ** More information about the company, its goals, achievements, competences of the team and established […]

Pelixar LSMA MReX8 C810 drone

We would like to inform you that on 31.10.2018 during a press conference of the Elbląg City Hall the Pelixar LSMA drone was presented, which we delivered on 26.10.2018 together with a demonstration and training (one week before the deadline). The supplied LSMA set is the implementation of Stage 1 of the aviation part of […]

Stratosferic flight: balon + dron = IKAR

Na sobotę 20.10.2018 wyznaczony został termin kolejnej operacji lotniczej z udziałem hybrydowego stratosferycznego systemu bezzałogowego HAMAVS* (High Altitude Micro Air Vehicle System), system ten łączy funkcjonalności stratosferycznego balonu meteorologicznego i samolotu bezzałogowego. Taka kombinacja w przeciwieństwie do aktualnie funkcjonujących pomiarów z udziałem balonów stratosferycznych, umożliwia sprowadzenie ładunku funkcjonalnego (materiału badawczego) za pomocą samolotu bezzałogowego w […]

Stratosferic flight: balloon + drone = IKAR

The next stage of the balloon + drone project = IKAR stratospheric flight. Saturday 20.10.2018 was set for the next flight operation with the participation of hybrid stratospheric airborne system HAMAVS* (High Altitude Micro Air Vehicle System), this system combines the functionality of a stratospheric meteorological balloon and an unmanned aircraft. This combination, unlike current […]